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With IVAO You can invest in the most promising biotechnology companies and projects selected by our experts. We carefully select the best opportunities to invest Your capital. With us You can easily invest in the leaders of tomorrow — public and private companies and projects

Found 5102 projects
Медицинская школа Массачусетского университета{{en: University of Massachusetts Medical School}}
University of Massachusetts Medical School
United States of America
Research institutes
Институт рака Дана-Фарбер{{en: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute}}
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
United States of America
Research institutes
Европейская лаборатория молекулярной биологии{{en: European Molecular Biology Laboratory}}
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Federal Republic of Germany
Research institutes
Центр раковых исследований Слоуна-Кеттеринга{{en: Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center}}
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
United States of America
Research institutes
Университет Северной Каролины школа медицины{{en: University of North Carolina School of Medicine}}
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
United States of America
Research institutes
Токийский университет {{en: University of Tokyo}}
University of Tokyo
Research institutes
Шанхайский институт биологических наук{{en: Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences}}
Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences
People's Republic of China
Research institutes
Нью-Йоркский университет, Школа медицины{{en: New York University School of Medicine}}
New York University School of Medicine
United States of America
Research institutes
Утрехтский университет{{en: Utrecht University}}
Utrecht University
Kingdom of the Netherlands
Research institutes
Юго-Западный Медицинский Центр Университета Техаса{{en: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center}}
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
United States of America
Research institutes
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